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Melbourne International Film Festival

The Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) runs from the 31st of July to the 17th of August this year. I've decided to do a subject at uni that is centred aroundthe festival and this means I'll be going to six documentaries and two industry talks as required by the course, and four films of my choice! This is one major plus about choosing to go to Melbourne Uni.. I'm almost finished my maths degree, yet all through my tertiary education, I've been required to do a subject a semester outside of my faculty, and it's been great to immerse myself into arts subjects (namely music and film) that I wouldn't have studied otherwise.

I'm really glad that I chose the documentary stream, as I really think I'll get a lot more out of it than a fiction stream. I'm not a huge film kind of girl, and it's not unusual for me to be gasped at with an 'oh my god, how have you not seen [insert film here]?!' I don't really have an excuse, I have just chosen to spend my time on things that I consider more important as I grew up - namely books and annoying my siblings to play Monopoly with me. I'm not even much of a television watcher to be honest, I didn't get into Breaking Bad and I'm still not into Game of Thrones... but hey, Grey's Anatomy is returning to telly soon, and I'm pretty excited about that!

So I thought I'd share some of my film experiences with you guys - they'll probably be strongly influenced by the pieces of writing I am doing for my assessment, but they'll give you a great insight into the films I'm seeing, and how I feel about them!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no film critic and I've read very few film reviews in my life, but these are simply going to be some short and sweet critiques of my first film festival experience! :D


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