Yesterday morning I made some Wholemeal Carrot and Walnut Muffins , and they are actually awesome. I've never baked with wholemeal flour before and thought that they turned out really nicely. The recipe I used is roughly the recipe used on Anna Saccone's banana muffin video . I had absolutely loads of carrots that needed using, so decided to making 'carrot cake muffins' would be a great way to use them up - especially because I don't have a juicer.. wah! There are so many different recipes for carrot cake and carrot muffins, but I really liked the look and sound of this recipe because of how little sugar it uses. I know there's still a bit of sugar in them, but a lot of the natural sweetness comes from the dates which is pretty cool. I also really just wanted to see if wholemeal flour would be that different... and it wasn't, so I'll be using that loads more in my cooking! :D I completely winged it in terms of the icing - I ha...
health, fitness and lifestyle of a melbourne based uni student