And on the fourth day we went and hung out at the Cliffs of Moher. It was pretty foggy when we got there, but by the time we’d gone for a bit of a walk, it’d cleared a bit . That night we headed to Killarney and went to a fantastic pub called the Grand Hotel. There was a rad cover band and once they packed up, a door opened up and turns out there was a club just out the back :) By day five, we were all getting preeeetty tired. Lots of 3 and 4am bedtimes, and so a massive beach day was more than welcome. We were really lucky on our tour to have fantastic weather and it was only a little drizzly on one of the days. We went to two different beaches; our tour guide, Connor, told us to frollick on the sand and so we did - lots of cartwheels on my behalf :D The last day was our 'going home day,' but it was also the day that we made a treck to Blarney Castle. I got the pleasure of sharing my germs with the 300,000+ people that kiss the Blarney Stone per annum....
health, fitness and lifestyle of a melbourne based uni student